Saturday, December 31, 2011


10 RFT
5 reps Thrusters #115
10 pull ups
100 meter sprint
rest 1 minute

Friday, December 30, 2011

3 RFT: Prowler Push High & Low, 200 m run

strength: push jerk

25 m prowler push high bar #180/120
25 m prowler push low bar #180/120
200 m run

Thursday, December 29, 2011

3 RFT: box jumps, toes to bar, push ups

Strength: Front Squat


30 box jumps 24"/18"
20 toes to bar
10 push ups

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

20 min AMRAP: Power Cleans, KettleBell Swings, Sprint

20 min AMRAP

5 Power Cleans (95/65)
10 KettleBell Swings (24/16)
200 m sprint

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

4 rounds: 2 min row sprint

strength/skill: KettleBell clean and press

4 rounds
2 min row sprint w/ 1 min rest between rounds

Monday, December 26, 2011

15 min AMRAP: Deadlifts, Push-ups, Box Jumps

Strength:  Front Squat

15 min AMRAP:
9 Deadlifts (155/95)
12 Push-ups
15 Box jumps (24/18)

Saturday, December 24, 2011

12 Days of Christmas video!

Thanks Miriam for taking the video and editing it!

12 Days of Christmas

12 Days of Christmas WOD:

1. 15 second handstand
2. push press 95/65
3. kettlebell swings 24/16
4. dead hang pull ups
5. burpees
6. box jumps 24"/18"
7. SDHP 24/16
8. wall balls #20/14
9. broad jumps
10. hand release push ups
11. abmat sit ups
12. thrusters 95/65

just like the song 1, then 2, 1, then 3, 2, 1, then 4, 3, 2, 1... until you get to 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1

Friday, December 23, 2011

Holiday Hours

For many of us the Christmas holidays allow for days off work and extra time with friends and family - with that in mind we will not be having 7am classes Dec. 26th & 28th.  All other classes will continue as usual.

Saturday workout -- Friends and family day!

Tomorrow is Christmas Eve.  We'll be doing a version of a classic workout -- the 12 days of Christmas.  We'll have a full on version and one for kids too.

We'll start at 9 AM!  See you there!!

New toys--farmer's walk barbells

Coming soon to a WOD near you.


Strength: Push Press

Karen - the real deal

150 wall balls for time 20#/14#

Thursday, December 22, 2011

15 min AMRAP: Sledge Hammer

Strength:  Front Squat

15 min AMRAP
20 sledge hammer swings
20 tire jumps
sprint to second tire
don't put the sledge hammer down

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Workout in progress!

We love how enthusiastic folks are for getting warmed up and ready to hit the workout each day!  That is great! 

However, to avoid anyone getting hit with a kettlebell or a barbell, or run over by people in the middle of a workout, please don't come into the gym while a workout is in session. You can hang out at the stone tables, go for a run, or do burpees in the grass if you want.  But as long as the sign is up, we need the space so the athletes can have the space they need to get the work done.


For Time: 20 - 200

For time -
20 thrusters (95/65)
200 m run
20 pull ups
200 m run
20 SDHP (32/24)
200 m run
20 front squats
200 m run
20 burpees

Tina from Seattle visiting CrossFit Chiang Mai today!

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

10 min AMRAP: KB, ring rows, dips

Strength/Skill: Turkish Get Ups

10 min AMRAP
15 kettlebells
10 supine ring rows
5 dips

Monica teaching the Turkish Get Up.  No, we don't know why it is called that, and yes, it is a LOT harder than it looks!

Monday, December 19, 2011

Power Clean, Box Jump, Burpees

Strength:  Front Squat

1-10 power clean
10-1 box jump
1-10 burpees

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Team WOD

 Dec. 17
Team WOD:
50 m Farmer's Walk (go heavy!!)
Teams of 3.  Each person is at one station the Farmer's Walk sets the pace.  10 sit up penalty for dropping the kettlebells on farmer’s walk.

Friday, December 16, 2011


Strict Press
50,40,30,20,10repetitions of
· double-unders
·  sit-ups

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Medicine Ball Tabata This

Front Squat

 Medicine Ball Tabata This -  #20/14
·  Wall Balls
·  wall ball sit ups
·  slam balls
·  medicine ball cleans

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

20 min AMRAP: run, push press, t2b, kb

WOD: 20 min AMRAP

200 m run
10 push press 95/65
15 toes to bar
20 kettlebell swings 24/16

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

5 RFT or Crossfit Total


If you did not do the Crossfit Total yesterday that will be your workout today.

Crossfit Total
  • Back squat 1 rep max
  • Strict press 1 rep max
  • Deadlift 1 rep max
If you did then the WOD is

  • 10 broad jumps
  • 20 sit ups
  • 30 squats

Monday, December 12, 2011

How to deadlift and get strong

GREAT article by Coach Mark Rippetoe on the deadlift: Are You Ignorant When it Comes to the Deadlift?
It's the most basic, obvious movement in barbell training, the one with the most carryover to everyday tasks and the easiest to learn of all the basic exercises.

You just step up to the bar with a vertical-jump stance width, with toes out and your shins about an inch from the bar, grab it just outside your stance with your knees still straight, then bend your knees forward and out a little bit until your shins touch the bar, squeeze your chest up until your back is flat, take a big breath, and drag the bar up your legs until you're standing up straight.

See? One (admittedly run-on) sentence describes the whole thing.

But just because a task can be described simply doesn't mean that there aren't any important details. Fortunately, they can be built into the instructions, if the instructor is clever. Our one-sentence deadlift instruction carries a lot of important information, and if it's followed correctly and intelligently, it'll result in a perfect deadlift every time.

Crossfit Total III


Crossfit Total
  • Back squat 1 rep max
  • Strict press 1 rep max
  • Deadlift 1 rep max

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Avoiding failure on paleo (or how to not do the "faileo" diet by mistake)

There are lots of good tips on how to avoid failure on paleo -- adding in too many "cheat" days so you never get the benefits, etc.

One easy mistake to make -- that can sneak up on you -- is just switching the ingredients for foods from grain based to non-grain, or from sugar to other sweeteners.  You cannot expect to make progress -- or see the benefits -- if you just replace wheat flour with almond flour and refined sugar with honey.

The focus of eating whole foods and real foods is getting our bodies aligned biologically with our biological heritage.  We are adapted to eat certain foods, and while humans are biologically able to eat about anything and survive -- we don't want to just survive but thrive!

Here are a couple of good articles from the excellent Whole 9 blog about why "gluten free" isn't good enough.  A great discussion of a lot of the key issues, and a good warning to us to be careful as we transition to healthier eating to not sabotage ourselves without realizing it.  The takeaway quote:
Bread is still bread (and a pancake still a pancake), regardless of the grains [or flour] with which they are made.  If you are actively trying to break your carbohydrate addiction or curb your wicked sweet tooth, you will make more progress by avoiding those kinds of foods altogether for a while.  (In fact, that’s one of the rules of our Whole30 program.) 
Change your habits and learn to make new foods (instead of just replacing your old, unhealthy foods with new ingredients) and your cravings and addictions will be far easier to let go.

Why "gluten free" isn't good enough: part 1, part 2

Friday, December 9, 2011

3 RFT: 50 Double Unders/25 Wallballs

Strength workout: Strict Press 3X5


3 Rounds For Time
  • 50 Double Unders
  • 25 Wallballs

Thursday, December 8, 2011

21-15-9: Deadlift/Toes to Bar

Strength workout: Back Squat 3X5


  • Deadlift #155/115
  • Toes to Bar

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

3 min Max Reps


3 minute maximum reps:
  • Slam Ball
  • 1 minute rest
  • Calorie Row
  • 1 minute rest
  • Box Jumps 24/28
  • 1 minute rest
  • Burpees

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Bear Complex


Bear Complex

5 rounds of 7 reps of each:
  • Power Clean
  • Front Squat
  • Push Press
  • Back Squat
  • Push Press
Rest as needed

Post loads on whiteboard.

You do each lift one time through and repeat for 7 reps. Do not set the bar down between lifts. Repeat 5 times.

Monday, December 5, 2011

Kettlebell Karen

Strength Workout: Max Rep Chin Up (lowest band) x 3


KettleBell Karen
150 kettlebell swings for time

Friday, December 2, 2011

12 - 50m Sprints

Strength workout: Power Clean 3X5


12 - 50m sprints
Rest 45 seconds between each sprint

Thursday, December 1, 2011

15-12-9-6-3: Wall Ball Sit Ups/SDHP/DU

Strength workout: Strict Press 3X5



Wall Ball Sit Ups  #20/14
Sumo Deadlift High Pull  #32/20
Double Unders

15 of each the first round
12 of each the second round
9 of each the third round
6 of each the fourth round
3 of each the last round

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

4 RFT: 200 m/20 Kettlebells /200 m/20 Box jumps

4 rounds for time:

200 m run
20 kettlebell swings
200 m run
20 box jumps

Are Roasted Nuts Healthy? | Mark's Daily Apple

Are Roasted Nuts Healthy? | Mark's Daily Apple

Great article from Mark Sisson on eating roasted nuts and nut based flours. Jump over and read the whole thing, but here is the takeaway:
Exercise moderation with the baked goods. Be smart and pay attention to what they’re doing to your body. If you find yourself gaining weight after too many walnut meal pie crusts, maybe cancel your Amazon subscription to the nut flour variety pack. All in all? Don’t eat this stuff all the time. They’re treats. They’re not really health foods, regardless of the quality of ingredients used. Just like you wouldn’t eat cupcakes every day and think you were making a massive contribution to your health, don’t eat almond muffins every morning and call it breakfast. And remember, if you’re going to eat nuts, the best option in my book are macadamias, hands down.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

How do you walk?

Do you walk -- at all -- duck footed (with your toes pointing out)?

If you do, watch this video on mobility.  Walking posture is really important, and sets up a lot of other issues in your posture and mobility, starting with your feet.

Pay attention, and start working on your gait!

Level 1 Cert!

Monica and Matt are back from their level 1 cert in Singapore!

Well done guys!!

Deadlifts & sled drags!

25 m sled drags. 

8 rounds.  Rest as necessary between rounds.

Load them heavy!

Afternoon class

Here's a photo of yesterday's afternoon class!

Monday, November 28, 2011

For time: 10-1 KB/1-10 Push Press

Strength workout: 20 reps backsquat at 70% max


For time
10-1 Kettlebell
1-10 Push press

Round 1: 10 KB swings, 1 push press.
Round 2: 9 KB swings, 2 push press (etc.)

Sunday, November 27, 2011


Great video from Jogo CrossFit.  Watch it full screen with the sound up.

Overcome Resistance from Jogo Crossfit Bellingham on Vimeo.

Look who's having a hard workout...

Yes, Adam is in the Maldives (but coming back in mid December).

And it does look like a hardship posting...

Saturday workout: "Fast and Light": thrusters + prowler

Great intro class and Baseline WOD on Saturday!  Welcome Kim, Mike and Lars!

The open workout for Saturday this week:

"Fast and light" -- the goal to work a light bar for speed and then hit the prowler.

Three rounds, resting as needed between rounds.

5 thrusters, 50 meters prowler push (25 m out and back)

No, it isn't easy.  The third round is rough.

Tabata: Broad jump/Push up/Lunge/Sit up

For total # of reps:

Broad jump
Push up
Sit up

Strength workout:

Find your max height box jump.

Remember (as you can see from Jack's photo) it is mostly mental...

Thursday, November 24, 2011

4 RFT: Handstand/Active Squat/Pull up hold/plank

4 rounds for time

1 minute each of:

Handstand hold
Active squat (holding just below parallel)
Pull up hold (holding your chin above the bar

Scale as appropriate, but accumulate 1 minute on each before moving on.

Dana scaling handstands

Plank can be from full extension or elbows.  But keep the core straight.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

4RFT 5 tire flips/20 sledges

4 Rounds for time

5 tire flips
20 sledge hammer strikes

1 minute rest between rounds

Working in teams or solo.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

7 RFT: 20 DU/1 power clean

Today's WOD

7 rounds for time
20 double unders
1 power clean

And the strength work was deadlifts, with Halida hitting PR! Way to go!

Monday, November 21, 2011

Rounds of Cindy plus running

Today's strength workout was 5 sets of 3 rep push press.

Linda lifting while Brian looks on in awe.

Brook setting up -- great form, elbows up and barbell in the rack position.

And up and locked out.
The work out was:

2 rounds of Cindy (5 pull ups, 10 push ups, 15 squats)
200 m run
2 rounds Cindy
400 m run
2 rounds Cindy
200 m run