Saturday, December 10, 2011

Avoiding failure on paleo (or how to not do the "faileo" diet by mistake)

There are lots of good tips on how to avoid failure on paleo -- adding in too many "cheat" days so you never get the benefits, etc.

One easy mistake to make -- that can sneak up on you -- is just switching the ingredients for foods from grain based to non-grain, or from sugar to other sweeteners.  You cannot expect to make progress -- or see the benefits -- if you just replace wheat flour with almond flour and refined sugar with honey.

The focus of eating whole foods and real foods is getting our bodies aligned biologically with our biological heritage.  We are adapted to eat certain foods, and while humans are biologically able to eat about anything and survive -- we don't want to just survive but thrive!

Here are a couple of good articles from the excellent Whole 9 blog about why "gluten free" isn't good enough.  A great discussion of a lot of the key issues, and a good warning to us to be careful as we transition to healthier eating to not sabotage ourselves without realizing it.  The takeaway quote:
Bread is still bread (and a pancake still a pancake), regardless of the grains [or flour] with which they are made.  If you are actively trying to break your carbohydrate addiction or curb your wicked sweet tooth, you will make more progress by avoiding those kinds of foods altogether for a while.  (In fact, that’s one of the rules of our Whole30 program.) 
Change your habits and learn to make new foods (instead of just replacing your old, unhealthy foods with new ingredients) and your cravings and addictions will be far easier to let go.

Why "gluten free" isn't good enough: part 1, part 2

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