We are closed today, but back to our regular schedule tomorrow, January 2, 2015.
Wednesday, December 31, 2014
Tuesday, December 30, 2014
Conditioning: Countdown Interrupted 2014
Countdown Interrupted:
Countdown Interrupted:
- 10 - 1 Box Jump Step Overs (24”/18”)
- 10 - 1 Ball Slams (18k/12k)
- 10 - 1 Kettlebell swings (24k/16k)
Monday, December 29, 2014
Conditioning: 30 Dec 2014
3 Rounds
- 6L/6R Single arm KB Strict Press (AHAP - men should be using no less than 20k for this, women no less than 12k.)
- max effort pull-ups
- rest
3 Rounds
- 1 min max effort jumping pull ups
- 2 min max effort KB thrusters
- 3 min max effort calorie row
post name & total reps to board
Sunday, December 28, 2014
Conditioning: 29 Dec 2014
7 min AMRAP
- 10 Tempo Goblet Squats (AHAP - men should be using no less than 24k for this, women no less than 16k). 5 count lower into squat, 1 count up. No rest in bottom. One second rest between reps.
- 20 (10L/10R) lunges. 2 count into lunge and explosive power up. (AHAP - men should be using no less than 20k for this, women no less than 12k.)
- rest 2 min between each set. If you are finding you don't need to rest, you need a heavier kettlebell.
7 min AMRAP
- 10 ball slams (18k/12k)
- 20 Russian kb swings (24k/16k)
- 30 double unders
Friday, December 26, 2014
"Bear all"
Deadlift 5x3@75% of 1RM
3 min amrap
max effort wall walks
3 rounds of
Front squat max effort(135/95)
20m bear crawl
Thursday, December 25, 2014
Conditioning: 26 December 2014
WOD: For a large class start at different stations.
5min AMRAP
5min AMRAP
5min AMRAP
Score = total rounds + reps from all three AMRAPS
- 5L/5R Lateral lunges- AHAP - men should be using no less than 20k for this, women no less than 12k
- 40 m reverse sled - face the sled, pulling backwards (135#/90#)
WOD: For a large class start at different stations.
5min AMRAP
- 4 TIre Flips
- 40 Double Unders (3:1 sub for singles)
5min AMRAP
- 8 (4L/4R) cross body chops w/slam ball (15k/9k)
- 16 box step overs (24”/20”) (Both feet start together on ground and both feet must pass over the box. Hands can touch the box, but butt cannot. To be over the box no part to the athlete can be touching the box. Athlete can choose to jump on box and step to other side. Athlete can choose to jump over the box.)
5min AMRAP
- 20 KB swings (24k/16k)
- 1 lap
Score = total rounds + reps from all three AMRAPS
Christmas 2014
We are closed today, 25 Dec. Have a wonderful time with friends and family.
We are back to our normal schedule tomorrow, 26 Dec.
Wednesday, December 24, 2014
12 Days of Christmas
Just like the song...
- 1/2 Lap
- Toes 2 Bar
- Box Jumps (24"/18")
- Push-ups
- Wall Balls (20#/14#)
- Burpees
- Kettlebell Swings (24kg/16kg)
- Goblet squats (24kg/16kg)
- Dips
- Lunges
- Sit-ups
- Strict Pull-ups/Ring Rows
Round 1 is 1/2 Lap
Round 2 is 2 Toes to Bar, & 1/2 Lap
Round 3 is 3 Box Jumps, 2 Toes to Bar, & 1/2 Lap.
Round 12 is 12 Pull-ups, 11 Sit-ups, 10 Lunges, 9 Dips, 8 Goblet Squats, 7 Kettlebell Swings, 6 Burpees, 5 Wall Balls, 4 Push-ups, 3 Box Jumps, 2 Toes to Bar, & 1/2 Lap.
Tuesday, December 23, 2014
Monday, December 22, 2014
Conditioning: 23 Dec 2014
- 6L/6R Single arm KB floor press AHAP - men should be using no less than 20k for this, women no less than 12k
- 6L/6R box supported rows AHAP - same weight as press
- rest as needed
- Sledge hammers
- Burpees
- Sledge Hammers
- Burpees
post name and coaches choice to board
Sunday, December 21, 2014
Conditioning: 22 Dec 2014
Teams of 2 switching every 5 reps
- 8 Tempo Goblet Squats AHAP - men should be using no less than 24k for this, women no less than 16k. 5 count lower into squat, 1 count up. No rest in bottom. One second rest between reps.
- 16 (8L/8R) lunges. 2 count into lunge and explosive power up. AHAP - men should be using no less than 20k for this, women no less than 12k
- rest 2 min
Teams of 2 switching every 5 reps
- 30 dips
- 50 weighted step ups (16k/12k)
- 100 sit ups
- 400 m team sprint
post name and time to board
Holiday Hours
Update to our holiday hours.
normal hours
normal hours
8:30am only
Merry Christmas *Closed*
normal hours
normal hours
normal hours
normal hours
8:30am only
Happy New Year *Closed*
normal hours
normal hours
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Friday, December 19, 2014
"The Hare complex"
Overhead squat 3rm
7 sets of the following sequence
snatch deadlift @95/65
power snatch
hang power snatch
over head squat
snatch grip press
(If bar is dropped during set burpee penalty)
Thursday, December 18, 2014
Conditioning: 19 Dec 2014
20min AMRAP
- 8 strict ring rows (elevate feet if needed)
- 5 tempo push ups. 3 second count to bottom, 2 second pause, 3 second count to top.
20min AMRAP
- 7 burpees
- 14 box jumps
- 21 kettlebell swings (24k/16k)
post name & rounds + reps to board
"The Equalizer"
Deadlift 5x5@70% of 1 RM
EMOTM for 15 mins
even 7 power cleans @135/95
odd 3 burpee box jumps(24/18)(increase 1 burpee each round)
Wednesday, December 17, 2014
Conditioning: 18 Dec 2014
5 RNFT - Select a challenging weight for your kettle bell. These are meant to be truly heavy.
Teams of 3
5 rounds
5 RNFT - Select a challenging weight for your kettle bell. These are meant to be truly heavy.
- 5L/5R Lateral lunges- AHAP - men ≥20k/women ≥12k)
- 40 m reverse sled - face the sled, pulling backwards (135#/90#)
Teams of 3
5 rounds
- 50m prowler push (140#/90#)
- max effort wall balls
- rest
post names and time & wall balls to board
"Get it done"
OTMEM pull ups/ringrows
Min 1-1 pull up
min 2-2 pull ups
min 3-3 pull ups
20 min cap
Row 350m
30 ball slams
row 250m
20 ball slams
row 150m
10 ball slams
Tuesday, December 16, 2014
Conditioning: 17 Dec 2014
Using the same assistance or weight as last week. If you got all 24 pull-ups last week decrease assistance or increase weight
EMOTM for 12 min
Using the same assistance or weight as last week. If you got all 24 pull-ups last week decrease assistance or increase weight
EMOTM for 12 min
- 2 pull-ups
- 3x1 negative (on last one dead hang as long as possible)
- 1 min max effort: 15m sprint (tag at line)
- rest 30 seconds
- 1 min max effort: abmat sit up
- rest 30 seconds
- 1 min max effort: double kb push press (16k/12k)
- 1 min rest
post name and total score to board
"20 on 20 off"
Strict press 3x5@ 65% of 1 RM
After completing reps- plate front raises #25/#10 60 reps.
"20 on 20 off"
20 seconds of work 20 seconds of rest
6x20 sec KB double arm push press
rest 1 min
6x20 sec goblet squats
rest 1 min
6 x20 sec KB swings
rest 1 min
6x20 dips
Monday, December 15, 2014
Conditioning: 16 Dec 2014
5RNFT - Select a challenging weight for your kettle bell. These are meant to be truly heavy.
5RNFT - Select a challenging weight for your kettle bell. These are meant to be truly heavy.
- 5L/5R Single arm KB floor press (AHAP - men ≥20k/women ≥12k)
- 6L/6R box supported rows (AHAP - same weight as press)
- 5 man makers
- 20 ball slams (18k/12k)
- 50 double unders
post name and time to board
"The Chipper" Wod 4 for the team series
90 Wallballs
80 KB swings
70 Ab mat sit ups
60 Double unders
50 Walking lunges
40 Push press @95/65
30 Pull ups
20 Cleans @95/65
10 Over head squats @95/65
One team mate works one rests.
Sunday, December 14, 2014
Conditioning: 15 Dec 2014
4RNFT - Select a challenging weight for your kettle bell. These are meant to be truly heavy.
For time:
4RNFT - Select a challenging weight for your kettle bell. These are meant to be truly heavy.
- 7 Tempo Goblet Squats (AHAP men ≥24k/women ≥16k) 5 count lower into squat, 1 count up. No rest in bottom. One second rest between reps.
- 14 (7L/7R) lunges. 2 count into lunge and explosive power up. (AHAP men ≥ 20k/women ≥12k) 2 count into lunge and explosive power up. These are not lateral lunges.
- rest 2 min between each set.
For time:
- Run 2 Laps
- 10L/10R kb thrusters (24kg/16kg)
- 15 pull ups
- Run 2 laps
- 8L/8R kb thrusters (24kg/16kg)
- 12 pull ups
- Run 2 laps
- 6L/6R kb thrusters (24kg/16kg)
- 9 pull ups
- run 2 laps
- Run 2 Laps
- 4L/4R kb thrusters (24kg/16kg)
- 6 pull ups
- Run 2 laps
post name and time to board
Friday, December 12, 2014
"Last of the snatches"
Snatch 1 RM
3 Snatches @ 95/65
6 chest to bar pull ups
9 dynamic push ups
Thursday, December 11, 2014
Conditioning: Partner Interrupting Angie
Partner Interrupting Angie:
post name and time to white board
- 8 Box Jumps (if subbing step ups add weight and do 8L/8R)
- 5 Tire Flips
Partner Interrupting Angie:
- 100 pull ups
- 100 push ups
- 100 sit ups
- 100 squats
post name and time to white board
Pull up progression 3x8+(then add weight)
4 min Amrap
max effort wall walks
10 Min Amrap
10 ball slams (18/12)
15 KB swings(24/16)
30 double unders
4 min Amrap
max effort wall walks
10 Min Amrap
10 ball slams (18/12)
15 KB swings(24/16)
30 double unders
Wednesday, December 10, 2014
Conditioning: 11 December 2014
For time:
3 reds
- 6L/6R single leg RDL - AHAP men no less than 24k/women no less than 16k (these are done with the KB held on the side of the lifted leg. If right foot is on ground then KB is in left hand)
- 8L/8R hip raises (8 with left leg extended/8 with right leg extended - if this is too challenging then do 10 hip raises)
For time:
- run 2 laps
3 reds
- 10 ninja rolls to vertical jump and clap
- 20 (10L/10R) KB Clean & Press (24kg/16kg)
- 30 russian twist (24kg/16kg)
- run 2 laps
post name and time to white board
"Clean it up"
Strict press 1 RM
2 cycles of
1 min max effort hang power cleans @ 95/65
rest 1 min
1 min max effort push press
rest 1 min
1 max effort thrusters
Tuesday, December 9, 2014
Conditioning: 10 December 2014
Using the same assistance or weight as last week
EMOTM for 12 min
7min AMRAP
Complete total rds & reps for time (if you got 3 rounds and 12 reps then do 3 rounds and 12 reps for time)
post name and rounds + reps & time to board
Using the same assistance or weight as last week
EMOTM for 12 min
- 2 pull-ups
7min AMRAP
- 10 burpees
- 10 abmat sit ups
- 10 box jump overs
Complete total rds & reps for time (if you got 3 rounds and 12 reps then do 3 rounds and 12 reps for time)
post name and rounds + reps & time to board
Monday, December 8, 2014
Conditioning: 9 December 2014
For time:
- 10-1 Dips
- 1L/1R - 10L/10R Bent over rows (AHAP)
For time:
- 4 laps
- 30 overhead walking lunges (45#/25#)
- 3 laps
- 40 overhead walking lunges
- 2 laps
- 50 overhead walking lunges
- 1 lap
post name and time to white board
"Monday squats"
Back Squat 5x5 @75% of FS 1RM
For time(reps can be broken down anyway the athlete wants)
30 KB box step ups(24/16)
30 pull ups
90 banded good mornings
15 min time cap
For time(reps can be broken down anyway the athlete wants)
30 KB box step ups(24/16)
30 pull ups
90 banded good mornings
15 min time cap
Sunday, December 7, 2014
Conditioning: 8 December 2014
In 5 min complete:
In 5 min complete:
In 5 min complete:
post name and score to white board
- 7 Tempo Goblet Squats (AHAP). 5 count lower into squat, 1 count up. No rest in bottom. One second rest between reps.
- 12 (6L/6R) lunges. 2 count into lunge and explosive power up
- rest 2 min.
In 5 min complete:
- 50 wall balls (20#/14#)
- max lateral jumps
In 5 min complete:
- 75 double unders (3:1 for singles)
- max kettlebell swings (24/16)
In 5 min complete:
- 800m row
- max slam balls (18kg/12kg)
post name and score to white board
Team series WOD 3 "Four stations of frustration"
Movement-A is that station’s team goal and both athletes will work towards achieving this goal
At the count of 3,2,1 GO…Both athletes will start at station #1.
Athlete #1 will perform movement-A as the other athlete #2 performs movement-B. When athlete #2 completes the reps for movement-B, the athlete #1 must stop and both athletes switch movements. Athlete #2 will continue where Athlete #1 had stopped. Athletes will continue switching till the team completes the reps for movement-A. Once the reps for movement-A are complete the team move on to the next station.
Station I
A) 30 Power Snatches (95/65)(65/45)
B) 10 Dips(Parallel bars)
Scaled dips performed on floor parallettes
Station 2
A) 50 Box Jumps (24”/18”)
B) 5 Bar over burpees
Station 3
A) 50 Deadlifts (225/135)(135/95)
B) 10 abmat situps
Station 4
A) 50 KB Swings (24/16)
B) 10 Push Ups
At the count of 3,2,1 GO…Both athletes will start at station #1.
Athlete #1 will perform movement-A as the other athlete #2 performs movement-B. When athlete #2 completes the reps for movement-B, the athlete #1 must stop and both athletes switch movements. Athlete #2 will continue where Athlete #1 had stopped. Athletes will continue switching till the team completes the reps for movement-A. Once the reps for movement-A are complete the team move on to the next station.
Station I
A) 30 Power Snatches (95/65)(65/45)
B) 10 Dips(Parallel bars)
Scaled dips performed on floor parallettes
Station 2
A) 50 Box Jumps (24”/18”)
B) 5 Bar over burpees
Station 3
A) 50 Deadlifts (225/135)(135/95)
B) 10 abmat situps
Station 4
A) 50 KB Swings (24/16)
B) 10 Push Ups
Thursday, December 4, 2014
Strength & Conditioning: 5 Dec 2014
For time
- 3 position snatch work
For time
- 9 deadlifts@225/165
- 3 strict pull up
- 50 m sprint
- 6 deadlifts
- 6 strict pull up
- 50m sprint
- 3 deadlifts
- 9 strict pull up
- 50 m sprint
post name and time to board
Conditioning: 5 Dec 2014
10x (first 5 done at increasing weight Rx=body weight. next 5 done same weights descending -starting with body weight.)
10x (first 5 done at increasing weight Rx=body weight. next 5 done same weights descending -starting with body weight.)
- 40m sled pull (moving forward)
- 40m sled drag (moving backwards)
- 25 situps
- 25 leg raises
Wednesday, December 3, 2014
Strength & Conditioning: 4 Dec 2014
EMOTM for 6 mins
EMOTM for 6 mins
- Front squat 3RM
EMOTM for 6 mins
- Odd 5 hang squat cleans(AHAP)
- Even 40 double unders
EMOTM for 6 mins
- Odd 3 hang squat cleans(increase in weight from first 6 mins)
- Even 40 double unders
Conditioning: 4 Dec 2014
post name and time to board
- 5 Kneeling Hip Extensions.
- 5L/5R Single Leg RDL (AHAP)
- Russian Twists
- Double Unders
post name and time to board
Tuesday, December 2, 2014
Strength & Conditioning: 3 Dec 2014
- Pull up progression
- 50 m prowler push(140/90)
- 10 evil wheels
post name and time to board
Conditioning: 3 Dec 2014
post name and time to board
- Pull-up progression
- 10 KB cleans
- 10 burpees
- 500m row
post name and time to board
Monday, December 1, 2014
Strength & Conditioning: 2 Dec. 2014
OTMEM (15 min time cap)
post name and last minute finished
- Push jerk/split jerk (2+1) working up to a heavy triple
OTMEM (15 min time cap)
- 5 push press@95/65
- max effort burpess
post name and last minute finished
Conditioning: 2 Dec. 2014
- 5 Floor Press
- 5L/5R Box Supported Rows
- Sprint 1 lap
- rest 30 sec.
- Sprint 1 lap
- rest 30 sec.
- Sprint 1 lap
- rest 30 sec
- Max Slam Balls (18k/12k)
- rest 1:30
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