Monday, October 14, 2013

CrossFit Total Results, New Class Times and other news!

Well done everyone on the CrossFit Total we did last week!  We now have some excellent baseline data on everyone who participated, and we are already using the percentages off of your 1 rep max for strength and other work.  We've posted the averages for men and women, as well as some charts up on the wall in the gym so you can see how we did as a group. We'll be comparing those numbers at the end of this programming cycle to be able to track our progress, and will do some number crunching for everyone who participated.

Along with recording the lifts so you can track progress, we've also put up a new and improved leaderboard -- with all new numbers and scores.  We've added a Masters athlete category as well, starting at 40+ years, like the CrossFit Games. This will be a fun way to track where you are, how you are doing, and something to shoot for.  In addition to the CrossFit Total, we have the two Olympic lifts and we've got three key diagnostic workouts we'll also be tracking (2000 m row, 300 m shuttle run and the Baseline WOD).

If you want to get on the leaderboard, let a trainer know -- all attempts need to happen with a trainer present to count, and once confirmed we'll have a trainer (Monica) write it on the board (since her handwriting is the neatest!).  Saturday Open Gym would be a good time to go after something on the board if you are so inclined!  Just let us know!

NEW CLASS TIMES starting Monday October 21!

We're on the annual upswing in numbers, and so our 7:30 class is getting crowded (17 people today!).  We are going to add in a third morning class, and shift the morning classes to half an hour earlier to spread out the numbers.  New class times for the morning will be 7:00 AM, 8:00 AM and 9:00 AM, starting October 21, next Monday.


We want to hear from you about your goals so we can help work with you on a plan to maximize your health and fitness.  We have a questionnaire that everyone should fill out this week.  Once we've heard from everyone, we will schedule one-on-one meetings with each of you so that we can help you reach your goals.

Pot Luck November 2!

Finally, we have a pot luck planned for November 2, the first Saturday of the month -- so in addition to a friends and family WOD, we'll have a pot luck following.  Please bring a side dish or meat or drinks to share!  We'll start around 11:30 until about 2:00.  See you there!

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