Sunday, January 22, 2012

A must read interview with Robb Wolf about paleo nutrition

Great interview by The RxReview with Robb Wolf, the author of The Paleo Solution book.

Robb is a very good writer, and has a gift for taking complex science and making it understandable for the lay person.  This is part one of a two part interview, and if you are doing primal/paleo it is well work reading -- he answers a lot of common questions as well as references several studies on the efficacy of the primal/paleo approach to nutrition.

Jump over to read it here: RxReview Robb Wolf Interview. Here's a short excerpt:
Stefan Lindeberg did a great study with type 2 diabetic heart patients. One group was put on a Paleo diet and the other group was put on a Mediterranean diet. The Mediterranean diet being low-fat proteins, low-fat dairy, grains, legumes and that sort of thing. Then a Paleo diet was lean meats, fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds and no grains, no legumes and no dairy.

Now both of them are type two diabetic heart patients and the limitation is that the participants were counselled on how to eat this way and were then provided with food logs. But you don’t know exactly what they ate.

But the Paleo diet group after 8 weeks were no longer type 2 diabetic. They lost enormous amounts of weight, their blood lipids improved shockingly. The Mediterranean diet group had a barely statistical significant improvement in oral glucose tolerance. They didn’t really lose much weight and there really wasn’t much change between beginning and end point with them.

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