Tuesday, September 21, 2010


Staff WOD:

Part 1:
50-40-30-20-10 reps for time of:
Double unders
*note, sub 4 turns of the rope if doing single jumps*

Part 2:
Grip strength test:
Bar hang for time

Part 3:
AMRAP 5 minutes
Tire flips

1 comment:

  1. Hey Jason! Sorry I wasn't able to swing by for another workout at the end of last week -- I had to change some plans around and it cut into exercise time a LOT. I'm back Stateside now (and the jet lag is kicking my butt), but I wanted to let you know it was great meeting you, Abby, and Mark. Give me a shout if you're ever in the Chicago area. Oh, and can you send me copies of those pics you took?
