Friday, May 4, 2012

Ladies, new t-shirts!

One size v-necks, but stretchy and several colors.


  1. Oh I like them! Can‘t decide between green and blue..... I‘ll think about it and send Garry and Bess with money in a few weeks!

  2. I think your new mobility teacher deserves one :)

  3. @nic - don't send money. just color choice.
    @angela - 300 baht for CrossFit members
    @liz - what's color does our mobility teacher like?

  4. Oh, on my phone I didn't see the turquoise-y one (photo too wide for phone screen). Gosh, I can't decide, and hard to know colours for sure on the computer screen too. Monica, you know what colours I like, and you can see the shirts in real life, you pick for me!
