75 Toes to Bar for time
followed by
12 x 2 squat clean
Wednesday, February 29, 2012
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
Strict Press & Pull Ups
Deadlift 5RM (add 5lbs)
- 1 Strict press (85% of 3RM)
- 1 Pull up (strict)
- 1 Strict press
- 3 Pull ups
- 1 Strict press
- 5 Pull ups
Post load and time to comments
Monday, February 27, 2012
Sunday, February 26, 2012
Some photos of the last few days!
We've had a busy week! Strongman competition last week, the CrossFit Games Open competition on Friday with the 5k Run for Relief on Saturday.
Here are some photos of happenings at the gym over the last week!
Here are some photos of happenings at the gym over the last week!
Cutting the new power rack to the right height... |
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Baby tokay gecko. Still as nasty as the big ones, so we grabbed it and tossed it out of the gym to the little kids next door... |
Open 12.1 workout -- 7 minutes of burpees |
Some of the CrossFit Chiang Mai crew at the 5k Run for Relief |
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Athletes post-race enjoying the rollers and mats for mobility work |
Saturday, February 25, 2012
Run for Relief
5k run at Huay Tung Tao
Location: Huey Tung Tao Lake, Chiang Mai.
When: Registration 7 a.m., Run 8 a.m., Kd's Dash 9 a.m.
Cost: 200 baht for race, 200 baht for T-shirt.
Organized by Christians Concerned for Burma. All funds raised benefit the people of Burma.
Questions? Call Courtney at 085-346-440 or e-mailrun4relief@gmail.com
Location: Huey Tung Tao Lake, Chiang Mai.
When: Registration 7 a.m., Run 8 a.m., Kd's Dash 9 a.m.
Cost: 200 baht for race, 200 baht for T-shirt.
Organized by Christians Concerned for Burma. All funds raised benefit the people of Burma.
Questions? Call Courtney at 085-346-440 or e-mailrun4relief@gmail.com
Friday, February 24, 2012
CrossFit Open Workout 12.1
Complete as many reps as possible in 7 minutes of:
This workout begins from the standing position. The Athlete will move from flat on the ground to touching an object with both hands that is 6 inches above their max reach. Score is total reps completed.
Movement Standards
At the bottom position, the Athlete's chest and hips must touch the ground. At the top of the movement, both hands must make contact with the target 6 inches above your max reach. If the athlete touches with just one hand or misses, they may re-jump to complete the rep without dropping back to the ground.
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
Dark Chocolate
Like you need any reason for eating more dark chocolate, but here is a great run-down on the benefits to eating dark chocolate: Why You Should Eat and Drink High-Cacao Dark Chocolate
Gasser, Push Jerks, Push Ups
- 5-5-5-5-5 Strict Pull ups
- 1 Full gasser
- 3 Push Jerks (#135-95)
- 6 True push ups. (On PVC with feet on medicine ball)
Post load and time to whiteboard.
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
Broad Jumps & Sprints
- Deadlift 5RM (add 5lbs)
- 3 broad jumps (max effort)
- Sprint rest of 50m
*Rest is walk back to start line
Monday, February 20, 2012
Kettle Bell Swings
- Front Squat Linear (2.5/5 lb. increase)
1 min on 1 min off
- 30 KB swings (24/16) *Russian swings*
*500m row for each round not completed
Sunday, February 19, 2012
More Strongman/Strongwoman photos
Thanks to Laura for the tip -- here are some photos from Chiang Mai CityNow! coverage of the contest.
They stopped taking photos before the tire flip, but some good shots of dumbell push press and prowler and sled... including this excellent one of Mike showing us how it's done...
They stopped taking photos before the tire flip, but some good shots of dumbell push press and prowler and sled... including this excellent one of Mike showing us how it's done...
Website domain update!
We are in the process of moving things around!
The old address www.cfcnx.com is being retired in favor of www.crossfitchiangmai.com.
It may take a day or so for things to sort through the DNS system, but we should be up and running soon enough!
The old address www.cfcnx.com is being retired in favor of www.crossfitchiangmai.com.
It may take a day or so for things to sort through the DNS system, but we should be up and running soon enough!
Carb Addiction: Cake Is The New Crack
Great post (and good comments) from Robb Wolf's blog about some of the more recent research on our response to food rewards, and why sometimes that "only one cookie" can derail everything we're trying to do when getting healthier.
Check it out: Carb Addiction: Cake Is The New Crack
We are wired to eat foods that taste good and also make us feel good. The two systems responsible for that in our bodies are the homeostatic system and the hedonic system. Our homeostatic system is the system that uses leptin as a major player in weight control. Leptin signals the brain on how much body fat to store. This is a survival mechanism in our bodies. The problem with this mechanism is it can be changed. This is where leptin resistance comes into play...
The hedonic system is the system in our body that allows us to enjoy certain things. One of these things that can actually elicit a response in our hedonic system are certain foods, especially ones that are sweet and/or salty. Major companies understand this and hire scientists to develop foods that will elicit a response from our rewards system. The hedonic and homeostatic systems can work together against us in the attempt to lose weight. The homeostatic system wants to maintain a higher body fat and the hedonic system are constantly craving foods that are bad for us. This is why taking out foods completely and being strict for a time frame is extremely important. If these foods with high rewards are added back in before we have reset our homeostatic system then it can derail the progress we have made up to that point.
Check it out: Carb Addiction: Cake Is The New Crack
CrossFit Chiang Mai at the Strongman/Strongwoman contest
Good turn out on Saturday for the Strongest Man & Woman contest! Thanks to those who competed and the ones who got trophies, and those who came and cheered and helped out!
Next week -- CrossFit Games Open starts. Go to games.crossfit.com to register!
Saturday, February 18, 2012
Farmers Walk and Push Ups
- 50m Farmers walk
- Push ups til failure
Post load and # of push ups to whiteboard.
Friday, February 17, 2012
Suicides and Burpees
Strict press 3RM
10m-20m-30m-40m-50m suicides
10 Burpees after each shuttle
Post time to whiteboard
Thursday, February 16, 2012
Weighted walk
Front Squat 3x5 (add 2.5/5lbs)
Walk 2 miles with a weighted bag, backpack, or plate. (#60-40)
*Everytime weight hits the ground add a 10 wall ball penalty
Post load and time to whiteboard
Wednesday, February 15, 2012
Power Cleans and push ups
On the minute for 15 minutes:
- 2 Power Cleans (135/75)
- 5 push ups
20 min working on skill, weakness, or mobility.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Monday, February 13, 2012
Football Gone Bad
3 one minute rounds for time:
- DB Thrusters 45 lbs
- Box Jumps 20" box
- Push Ups
- Double Unders
- Calorie Row
*Rest 1 minute between rounds
Saturday, February 11, 2012
Friday, February 10, 2012
5 Rounds for time of:
- 22 Kettlebell Swings 32/24
- 22 Box Jumps 24/20
- 400 Meter Run
- 22 Burpees
- 22 Wall Ball 20/14
*Army Captain Dan Whitten, 28, of Grimes, Iowa, assigned to the 1st Battalion, 508th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 4th Brigade Combat Team, 82nd Airborne Division, based out of Fort Bragg, North Carolina, died February 2, 2010, when enemy forces in Zabul, Afghanistan, attacked his vehicle with an improvised explosive device. Whitten is survived by his wife, Starr Whitten, his mother, Jill Whitten, his father, Dan Whitten, and his sister, U.S. Army Captain Sarah Whitten.
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Supine Ring Rows/Double Unders
- Front Squat 3x5 (add 2.5/5lbs total)
- 5 Supine ring rows
- 20 DU
Post time to whiteboard
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Snatching with Scott
Last week we had Scott Waugh owner/trainer at CrossFit Victoria in Australia train with us, and he offered a class to work on snatch and snatch balance.
Thanks for visiting Scott, and for a great class!
Thanks for visiting Scott, and for a great class!
Medicine Ball Sit-Ups & Bumper Plate Burpees
3 Rounds:
- 1 minute maximum effort Medicine Ball Sit-ups
- 1 minute maximum effort Bumper Plate Burpees 25/45
- 2 minute rest
Record maximum reps to white board.
Tuesday, February 7, 2012
Push Press and Rowing
- Deadlift 5RM (add 5lbs)
15 min Amrap
- 5 push press (80% 1 rm)
- 250m row
Rounds and load to whiteboard.
Monday, February 6, 2012
Hand Release Push Ups/Toes 2 Bar/Sprint
- Backsquat 3RM
- 10-1 HR Push ups (RX+ rings)
- 1-10 T2B
- 50m Sprint between each round
Post load and time to whiteboard.
Saturday, February 4, 2012
Great intro video to CrossFit
Great video by FlowerCity CrossFit -- this catches the vibe and feel of CrossFit really well.
Friday, February 3, 2012
Row/Abmat Sit Ups/Broad Jumps
- 5-5-5-5-5 Strict chin ups (RX+ add weight)
- 250m row
- 20 ab mat sit ups
- 10 broad jumps
Post time to whiteboard.
Thursday, February 2, 2012
Foundations class!
Today we finished our first Foundations class!
A great way to get introduced to CrossFit, the Foundations class is a way to learn the essential movements, get used to doing CrossFit, and have a (lot) of fun.
Everyone did amazing work, learned a lot.
When we re-tested the baseline workout (200 m run, then 15/12/9 squats, push ups, sit ups, 200 m run) EVERYONE improved their time -- from just over a minute faster to almost 5 minutes faster.
Short intense workouts and dedicated strength training works! Only 4 weeks and a total of 8 sessions, and huge gains. Well done!
Be ready to say hi to Elanore, Meredith, Ruth, Sonja, Roslyn and Ken in a WOD near you soon!
We are planning a new Foundations class to start next week -- so let us know if you've got someone interested in joining!
A great way to get introduced to CrossFit, the Foundations class is a way to learn the essential movements, get used to doing CrossFit, and have a (lot) of fun.
Everyone did amazing work, learned a lot.
When we re-tested the baseline workout (200 m run, then 15/12/9 squats, push ups, sit ups, 200 m run) EVERYONE improved their time -- from just over a minute faster to almost 5 minutes faster.
Short intense workouts and dedicated strength training works! Only 4 weeks and a total of 8 sessions, and huge gains. Well done!
Be ready to say hi to Elanore, Meredith, Ruth, Sonja, Roslyn and Ken in a WOD near you soon!
We are planning a new Foundations class to start next week -- so let us know if you've got someone interested in joining!
Kettlebell Swings & Strict Press
- Front Squat 3x5 (add 2.5/5lbs total)
- 15 Kettlebell swings(#32/20)
- 1 Strict press (#115/75)
- 12Kettlebell swings
- 1 Strict press
- ...
On the 30 second for 5 minutes
- 3 push ups
- 3 jump tucks
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
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